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The purpose of occupational health audits is to identify the strength and weaknesses in the Occupational Health and Safety program in a workplace. We consider areas like policies, risk identification, training, accountability, controls and other factors considered when it comes to Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.

We do this by assessing how well the companies Occupational Health and Safety strategy complies with the countries
guidelines, legislation and other established best practises.

  • Furthermore, Occupational Health Audits can also assist in:
  • Identify areas in the workplace where improvement is needed to protect workers from
    both illness and injury.
  • Ensure legislative compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and other relevant legislations.
  • Set standards on Occupational Health and Safety practices.
  • Determine the recognition and penalties which are administered by regulatory and
    certification bodies.

Our Occupational Health Audit Solutions consist of:

  • ISO 9001:2015 implementation and audit
  • ISO 14000 implementation and audits
  • Occupational Health and Safety legal and SHE compliance audits
  • Clinic management audits

Why Osheqs?

Team members
Wellness Days
Occupational Health Assessments
Employee Counselling Sessions
Mobile Clinic